
Unified Simulator Control Software

UNI® 3 is our most powerful and intuitive patient simulator control software ever. Manage vitals, track performance, and debrief with faster and more capable tools designed to help you drive even the most complex scenarios with ease. Elevate your simulation experience with the power of UNI® 3




Compatible with UNI® 3

  • VICTORIA® S2200
  • NOELLE® S574.100
  • NOELLE® S575.100
  • NOELLE® S576.100
  • NOELLE® S554.100
Newborn / Pediatric
  • Premie HAL® S2209
  • Premie HAL® S3009
  • Newborn TORY® S2210
  • Newborn HAL® S3010
  • Super TORY® S2220
  • Pediatric HAL® S2225
  • Pediatric HAL® S3005
  • Pediatric HAL® S3004
  • Code Blue® III Pediatric S300.105
  • Code Blue® III Newborn S300.110
  • HAL® S5301
  • HAL® S3201
  • HAL® S3101
  • HAL® S3000
  • HAL® S1000
  • SUSIE® S2000
  • SUSIE® S1001
  • Code Blue® III Adult S300.100
  • Dynamic Airway and Lung Compliance HAL® S1030
  • HAL® 12-Lead ECG S1020
  • Trauma HAL® S3040.100
  • Trauma HAL® S3040.50
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Release Notes  Arrow icon.

Minimum system requirements: Windows 10 or newer, Intel Core i5, 8GB RAM

UNI® 3 upgrade is available for Gaumard control computers that meet minimum device specifications requirements. Upgrade availability will vary by patient simulator model. Certain features are only available for specific models and hardware revision configurations. When upgrading from UNI® to UNI® 3, some features may be discontinued or removed. See UNI 3 software documentation for details.

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Gaumard Vitals™

Virtual Patient Monitor Software

A highly customizable and realistic patient monitor simulation software. Compatible with UNI 3 and OMNI 2.


Gaumard Vitals™

Virtual Patient Monitor Software

A highly customizable and realistic patient monitor simulation software. Compatible with UNI and OMNI 2.

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This End User License Agreement (“EULA”) sets forth the respective rights and responsibilities between the entity named in the Purchase Order associated with this EULA (“End User”) and Gaumard Scientific Company, Inc., a Florida corporation (“Gaumard”), relative to the Gaumard Software (as defined below). This EULA is effective as of the date Gaumard accepts and confirms the Purchase Order (the “Effective Date”). BY USING THE GAUMARD SOFTWARE, END USER IS AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS EULA. IF END USER DOES NOT AGREE, END USER MAY NOT USE THE GAUMARD SOFTWARE.

1. Definitions.

1.1 “Gaumard Documentation” means the Gaumard user and operations manuals, guides, and related materials provided by Gaumard to End User to facilitate use of the Gaumard Products.

1.2 “Gaumard Equipment” means Gaumard hardware components for medical simulation and training, including manikins and associated instrumentation, and other hardware and tangible products sold by Gaumard to End User.

1.3 “Gaumard Products“ means Gaumard Software licensed and Gaumard Equipment sold or otherwise made available by Gaumard to End User currently or in the future.

1.4 “Gaumard Software” means the object code form of computer programs and Gaumard Documentation owned by Gaumard or its licensors and licensed to End User in accordance with this EULA. Gaumard Software includes (a) computer programs embedded in firmware in the Gaumard Equipment; (b) computer programs embedded in a separate medium (such as CD or flash drive) for use in conjunction with the Gaumard Equipment; (c) computer programs downloaded or received via mail from Gaumard; (d) computer programs used on servers storing or processing data related to the Gaumard Products; and (e) computer programs used to create and manage a network for the Gaumard Equipment, interface with the components of the Gaumard Equipment, manage and compute location information related to the Gaumard Equipment, and monitor health of the Gaumard Equipment.

2. Software License and Restrictions

2.1 “License” License. Subject to End User’s compliance with the terms and conditions of this EULA, the Gaumard Sales Terms and Conditions, the Purchase Order, and the Gaumard Cares Service Plan Agreement, Gaumard grants End User a non-exclusive, non-transferable (except as otherwise set forth herein), personal license to execute and use the Gaumard Software for End User’s internal purposes, but only so long as the Gaumard Software is installed on the Gaumard Product on which it was originally installed. End User may not, directly or indirectly, sell, sublicense, display, timeshare, loan, lease, distribute, or create derivative works of the Gaumard Software.

2.2 “Ownership” All rights, title, and interest in and to the Gaumard Software, and any derivative works thereof, whether created by Gaumard, End User, or a third party, will remain at all times solely and exclusively owned by Gaumard. Nothing in this EULA or the Purchase Order will be construed to grant End User any rights of any kind with respect to the Gaumard Software, except as expressly set forth in this EULA.

2.3 “Reverse Engineering and Other Restrictions” End User will not, and will not allow any third party to, tamper with, modify, decompile, disassemble, derive the source code of, reverse engineer, or attempt to obtain the internal design of the Gaumard Software or Gaumard Products for any purpose whatsoever (collectively, “Restricted Acts”). If applicable law permits End User to take any of the Restricted Acts notwithstanding the previous prohibition, and End User wishes to take any Restricted Act notwithstanding the previous prohibition, End User will first provide Gaumard with thirty (30) days prior written notice. Gaumard may terminate this EULA at any time during such notice period without liability arising from such termination. The parties agree that all information needed for interoperability is available from Gaumard in accordance with applicable government directives.

2.4 “Updates” From time to time Gaumard may develop new versions or updates for the Gaumard Software that may be made available to the End User as agreed under the terms of the Gaumard Sales Terms and Conditions, Gaumard Purchase Order documents, Gaumard Warranty documents, or Gaumard Cares Service Plan documents. Unless otherwise agreed to by Gaumard, End User shall be responsible for installing the provided new versions or updates for the Gaumard Software.

2.5 “Proprietary Notices” End User agrees to maintain and reproduce on all copies of the Gaumard Software, any names, logos, copyright notices, trademarks, other proprietary markings, and legends that appear on the Gaumard Software.

2.6 “Control of Duplication” End User will not, nor will it allow any third party to, circumvent the protection controlling the duplication or use of the Gaumard Software, for example and without limitation, any software lock controlling the number of copies End User may make of the Gaumard.

2.7 “No Source Code” End User will not, nor will it allow any third party to, circumvent the protection controlling the duplication or use of the Gaumard Software, for example and without limitation, any software lock controlling the number of copies End User may make of the Gaumard.

2.8 “Certification” Upon thirty (30) days written notice to End User from Gaumard, End User shall certify End User’s compliance with the restrictions and obligations in this EULA. Such requests will not occur more frequently than once per calendar year. If End User has used the Gaumard Software in violation of this EULA, End User shall, in addition to any other remedies Gaumard may have, pay Gaumard additional fees for the excess use according to Gaumard’s then-current price list and policies, plus a late payment charge of one percent (1.0%) per month (or the highest amount allowed by applicable law, if lower) for each month of excess use from the date of initial excess use.

2.9 “Privacy and Recordings” End User will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations related to privacy, publicity and data protection related to use of the Gaumard Products. End User shall not use the Gaumard Software to record or collect personal data from any person in violation of End User’s policies or privacy statements. End User shall receive express consent from all persons recorded by the Gaumard Software sufficient for End User’s use, storage, and distribution of such recordings.

3. Term and Termination

3.1 “Term” This EULA commences on the Effective Date and continues perpetually, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms hereof.

3.2 “Termination for Cause” This EULA is automatically terminated by Gaumard if the other party materially breaches this EULA, the Gaumard Sales Terms and Conditions, the Purchase Order, or the Gaumard Cares Service Plan Agreement. In addition, Gaumard may terminate this EULA if (a) End User becomes insolvent or makes an assignment for the benefit of End User’s creditors; or (b) a receiver is appointed or a petition in bankruptcy is filed with respect to End User and such petition is not dismissed within thirty (30) days.

3.3 “Effect of Termination” Upon the termination of this EULA for any reason, all licenses granted in Section 2 above will immediately cease and terminate. Upon termination, End User will immediately cease using the Gaumard Software.

3.4 “Survival”Sections 3 through 6 will survive the termination of this EULA.

4. Confidential Information; Trademarks

4.1 “Confidential Information” End User acknowledges and agrees that the Gaumard Software is confidential information and contains trade secrets of Gaumard. End User agrees to (i) hold the Gaumard Software in the strictest confidence, (ii) not disclose the Gaumard Software to any third party for any purpose, and (iii) use at least the same security measures as End User to protect its own confidential and trade secret information but no less than reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the Gaumard Software. End User agrees and acknowledges that any breach of the provisions regarding ownership or confidentiality contained in this Agreement shall cause Gaumard irreparable harm and Gaumard may obtain injunctive relief without the requirement to post a bond as well as seek all other remedies available to Gaumard in law and in equity in the event of breach or threatened breach of such provisions.

4.2 “Trademarks” End User may not use Gaumard’s trademarks, logos, service marks, or names in press releases, web sites, marketing, or other forms of public materials without the prior written consent of Gaumard. All use of the Gaumard trademarks and all goodwill associated with them will inure solely to the benefit of Gaumard.

5. Disclaimer; Limitation of Liability; Infringement Indemnification

5.1 “Warranty and Disclaimer” For a period of twelve (12) months from the Effective Date, Gaumard will (a) provide all updates to the Software that are made available generally, and (2) use reasonable efforts to fix or provide a workaround for any Gaumard Software defect or bug which prevents operation in substantial conformity with the Gaumard Documentation. Other than the above, the Gaumard Software is provided “as-is,” with no express or implied warranties of any kind, including the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.


5.3 “Infringement Indemnification” Gaumard will, as further described below, indemnify, defend, and hold End User harmless, at its expense, against any claim or suit brought by a third party against End User alleging that any Gaumard Software furnished under this EULA infringes the United States patent, trademark, copyright or other intellectual property right of a third party. Gaumard will pay all settlements entered into or damages finally awarded, including attorneys’ fees and costs, based on any such claim or suit; provided that End User gives Gaumard prompt written notice of such claim and gives Gaumard information, reasonable assistance ,and sole authority to defend or settle the claim. In defense or settlement of the claim, Gaumard may obtain for End User the right to continue using the Gaumard Software, replace or modify the Gaumard Software so that it becomes non-infringing, or, if such remedies are not reasonably available, grant End User a refund for the associated Gaumard Products (depreciated over three years) and accept their return. Gaumard will not have any liability if the alleged infringement is based upon (a) the use or sale of the Gaumard Software in combination with other products or devices not furnished by or approved by Gaumard; (b) the use of the Gaumard Software in a manner for which they were not designed as described by the Gaumard Documentation; (c) any modification of the Gaumard Software not performed by or authorized by Gaumard; (d) any use of Gaumard Software by End User after End User learns of such allegation of infringement; or (e) any failure by End User to utilize a non-infringing version of the Gaumard Software made available by Gaumard along with notice that such update is non-infringing. The obligations set forth in this Section 5.3 are Gaumard’s sole obligations, and End User’s sole and exclusive remedy, for the Gaumard Software infringing third party intellectual property rights.

6. Miscellaneous

6.1 “Binding Effect; Assignment” This EULA will be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, End User’s and Gaumard’s respective permitted successors and permitted assigns. Neither party may assign or transfer this EULA or any of the rights, privileges, duties or obligations under this EULA without the prior written consent of the other party, except that either party may assign this Agreement to any entity controlled by, controlling, or under common control with such party at such time, as well as in connection with the sale, transfer, merger, or acquisition, whether by operation of law or otherwise, of substantially all of the assets of such party. In addition, if End User transfers the Gaumard Product on which the Gaumard Software is installed to a third party, End User may assign this EULA to such third party, provided that the third party agrees in writing with Gaumard to be bound by this EULA.

6.2 “Notices” Any written notice required by this EULA will be deemed made (a) when delivered by personal service, (b) one (1) business day after being sent by recognized international overnight courier service (such as FedEx), or (c) when received, if sent by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. Any such notice given to a party shall be sent to the addresses on the attached Purchase Order. By giving to the other party written notice thereof, the parties hereto and their respective permitted successors and assigns will have the right from time to time to change by written notice their respective addressee or address for notices.

6.3 “Applicable Law” The validity of this EULA and the rights, obligations and relations of the parties hereunder shall be construed and determined under and in accordance with the substantive laws of the State of Florida. All disputes arising under or related to this EULA shall be resolved exclusively in the State or Federal Courts located in Dade County, Florida. The parties consent to the jurisdiction and venue of such courts and waive any claims as to inconvenient forum. The judgments of such courts may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction.

6.4 “Export Control” End User will not export or re-export the Gaumard Software, including any technical data, except as authorized and permitted by, and in compliance with, the laws and regulations, including but not limited to all export and re-export laws and regulations, of the United States.

6.5 “Severability” If any provision of this EULA is invalid or unenforceable in any circumstances, it will be interpreted as much as possible to reflect the intent of the parties, and its application in any other circumstances and the remaining provisions of this EULA will not be affected thereby.

6.6 “Entire Agreement” This EULA constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties relating to the subject matter thereof. This EULA supersedes all prior written and oral agreements and all other communications between End User and Gaumard (or a Gaumard distributor) regarding the subject matter hereof. No contradictory terms and conditions of any purchase order, invoice, or other document issued by End User relating to the subject matter of this EULA shall be binding, unless agreed by the parties.

6.7 “Waiver of Breach” No waiver by a party of any breach of this EULA will constitute a waiver of any other breach of the same or other provisions of this EULA. No waiver by a party will be effective unless made in a record signed or otherwise authenticated by an authorized representative of such party.

6.8 “Relationship of the Parties” The parties are independent contractors. Nothing in this EULA or in the activities contemplated by the parties will be deemed to create an agency, partnership, employment or joint venture relationship between the parties. Neither party will have any responsibility nor liability for the actions of the other party except as expressly provided in this EULA. Neither party will have any right or authority to bind or obligate the other party in any manner or make any representation or warranty on behalf of the other party. This EULA is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of Gaumard, its licensors and suppliers, and End User, and no other person or entity shall be a direct or indirect beneficiary of or shall have any direct or indirect cause of action or claim arising from this EULA.
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