
Mechanical ventilator simulation made simple.

LungSim™ is a powerful, model-driven virtual mechanical ventilator simulator designed to provide simulation programs with a truly multimodal and cost-effective ventilator training solution.

Go beyond training the basics of ventilator settings and modes. LungSim integrates with Gaumard patient simulators and accessories to create immersive, patient-based respiratory training scenarios at a fraction of the cost of other hardware-based ventilator simulators in the market today. Gaumard has partnered with Accurate Inc. to bring LungSim to over 15 Gaumard models, including adult, pediatric, and neonate patient simulators1.

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True-to-life interface.
Industry-standard modes and settings.
Limitless learning opportunities.

LungSim simulates the standard functions of today’s modern mechanical ventilators, allowing learners to practice ventilator operation and patient management in a safe and effective way2.

LungSim Monitor

Real-time graphical monitoring.
Interactive and customizable touchscreen interface.

Practice data analysis, interpretation, and documentation. High-fidelity waveform, loop, and scalar data updates in real-time based on the patient’s condition, just like a real ventilator.

LungSim Monitor

Standard modes of ventilation.

Industry-standard modes of ventilation, model-driven lung physiology, and ventilation mechanics let learners study patient-ventilator interactions.

LungSim UI details

Customizable settings, alarms, and parameters.

From setting alarms to choosing specific scalar parameters, LungSim allows learners to practice configuring ventilator settings as needed.

LungSim UI details

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Adult, pediatric, and neonate ventilation.

LungSim makes it easy to facilitate respiratory care training exercises across a broad range of age groups using just one device. Select from an adult, pediatric, and neonate ventilation presets.

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Screen video recording and session reports.

Export comprehensive session data reports for debriefing and assessments. Easily capture screenshots and record video clips to review or for teaching demonstrations.

UNI® integration and model-driven lung physiology for immersive scenario exercises.


LungSim integrates with your Gaumard patient simulator, UNI control software, and Gaumard Vitals monitor to bring the full clinical training experience to life. Simulate realistic patient-ventilator interaction through realistic scenarios that help learners develop clinical assessment, diagnosis, and treatment skills.

Model-driven physiological parameters.

LungSim adds model-driven lung physiological parameters to UNI, enabling you to simulate countless respiratory conditions and diseases. The integrated LungSim model accurately simulates true-to-life lung physiology, ventilator response, and feedback.


Seamless integration of LungSim parameters.

Whether you drive simulations on the fly or program scenarios, UNI-LungSim integration ensures your workflow remains sane, intuitive, and simple. Easily add LungSim physiological parameters to new or existing UNI scenarios.


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Event logging, real-time feedback, and data exporting.

UNI logs LungSim data along with patient vitals and participant actions. Export session reports to support debriefing sessions and archiving.

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Available for all UNI-controlled patient simulators.

Add respiratory care training across healthcare disciplines. LungSim is available for over 15 Gaumard patient simulators, including adult, pediatric, and neonate simulators.

Ideal for in-person training and remote teaching.

LungSim is multipurpose and versatile, allowing you to transition from in-person simulation to remote teaching via most web conference applications. Use LungSim to transform clinical theory into dynamic and engaging content. Demonstrate patient-ventilator relationships, ventilator setup and settings, and much more.

LungSim training

LungSim feature highlights

  • Realistic, touchscreen mechanical ventilator interface
  • Model-driven, real-time waveforms: pressure, volume, flow, volume-pressure loop, flow-pressure loop, flow-volume loop, and more
  • Industry-standard ventilation settings: positive end-expiratory pressure, respiratory rate, and tidal volume, and more, high and low alarms, and more
  • Model-driven, real-time scalar data: I:E ratio, peak pressure, respiratory rate, FiO2, tidal volume
  • Industry-standard modes of ventilation include pressure control, volume control, and pressure support
  • Customizable graphical interface layout
  • UNI integration; adjust lung parameters on-the-fly or program scenarios
  • Model-driven lung physiological parameters: respiratory muscle effort, lung compliance, inspiratory resistance, inspiratory hold, thorax compliance, and more
  • Export session data reports
  • Video screen capture and export
  • Adult, pediatric, and neonate patient-ventilator presets

Available Packages


LungSim In-hospital Mechanical Ventilator Simulator

Package includes: Large touchscreen AIO PC preloaded with LungSim mechanical ventilator simulator software, (1) LungSim Patient License, user guide, and accessories2,3.


LungSim Mobile Mechanical Ventilator Simulator

Package includes: Tablet PC preloaded with LungSim mechanical ventilator simulator software, (1) LungSim Patient License, user guide, and accessories3.

1. Available for UNI® compatible Gaumard patient simulators only.

2. HAL® patient simulator system and Gaumard Vitals monitor are sold separately. Actual hardware may differ from what is shown. LungSim computer stand, patient circuit, and circuit holder are not included.

3. Internet required for software license validation and renewal. Additional LungSim Patient Licenses sold separately.

LungSim™ is not intended for clinical use. LungSim is designed for use by qualified educators to support education and training only. It is not intended to substitute the comprehensive understanding of the subject matter or support clinical decision-making in real situations. LungSim is developed and patented by Accurate S.r.l. HAL® and UNI® are trademarks of Gaumard Scientific. Terms and conditions apply. All rights reserved.

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