SUSIE® S2000 - Advanced Nursing Care Patient Simulator and SLE Educational Package

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SUSIE is an advanced, wireless and tetherless patient simulator and learning resource solution designed to facilitate the delivery of effective and realistic simulation learning experiences to nursing learners of all levels. SUSIE includes everything you need for rapid integration into your nursing curricula in one easy-to-use package.

SUSIE® - Clinical Nursing Patient Simulator

Model: S2000

Perfect for both skills training and clinical simulation experiences

SUSIE is realistic and completely wireless and tetherless. These great features enable you to deliver competency-building exercises in the skills lab and realistic clinical experiences in nearly all the environments where nursing care takes place.


A Complete Solution Built For Achieving Outcome-Focused Success

Includes 10 Nursing Simulation Learning Experiences (SLEs), a Facilitator's Guide, and UNI® 3 Wireless Control Interface.


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Gaumard Nursing Simulation Learning Experiencesâ„¢

The Gaumard Nursing Simulation Learning Experiences (SLEs) provide a learning resource comprised of 10 outcome-focused scenarios designed to replicate a clinical situation. Each comes complete with a detailed facilitator guide for setting up, planning, and facilitating the learning experience.


  • Acetaminophen Overdose/Liver Failure
  • Acute Myocardial Infarction
  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Secondary to MVC
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbation
  • Diabetic Ketoacidosis
  • Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance
  • Heart Failure
  • Pneumonia
  • Potential Cervical Carcinoma
  • Sepsis

Each Nursing SLE includes the following key features:

  • Purpose of the SLE
  • Evidence-based rationale for the topic
  • Learning objectives of the SLE
  • Competencies addressed
  • Psychomotor skills needed for successful participation
  • Patient's medical history
  • Supplies needed for the scenario
  • Provider's orders
  • Pre-briefing report to be given to students
  • Scenario timeline with facilitator cues
  • Scenario flowchart


Each Nursing SLE is mapped to the outcomes expected of nursing program graduates

  • NCLEX-RN® Test Blueprint
  • BSN Essentials
  • QSEN competencies
  • IPEC core competencies
Acute MI SLE Sample  Download

Speak as SUSIE and listen to the provider’s responses via wireless streaming voice. Illustrate seizures, eye dilation, reactivity, and blink rate.


Normal and abnormal airway, heart, lung, and bowel sounds.


Bilateral IV access for bolus and/or infusion; deltoid and thigh IM sites support placement exercises.


Practice tracheostomy care procedures, including insertion, cleaning, and replacing cannulas safely.


Supports oral or nasal intubation: ETT, SGA, OPA, NG. Enable difficult airway: tongue edema, pharyngeal swelling, and laryngospasm.


Use real equipment, including ECG monitors, BP cuffs, pulse oximeters, and defibrillators with live energy.


Blood pressure can be taken using a BP cuff, palpation, or auscultation methods.


Quickly and easily convert SUSIE into a geriatric patient with the optional Geriatric Face Appearance Accessory.


Real-time CPR feedback - Monitor quality metrics in real-time, including rate and compression depth, no-flow time, and excessive ventilation.


Interchangeable normal and abnormal uteri and cervices simulate various pathologies and stages in pregnancy.


Includes seven lifelike, interchangeable breasts to practice detecting and evaluating various pathologies.


Interchangeable male/female genitalia allows catheterization; rectum supports enemas and removing intestinal fluids introduced via NG tube.

UNI® 3

Unified Simulator Control Software

UNI 3 offers you intuitive patient controls, real-time monitoring, and automatic event tracking, making simulation simple and effective.

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Optimized For Ease of Use
The UNI 3 touchscreen interface lets you quickly and easily adjust vital sign parameters with just a few taps.
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Built-in Virtual Patient Monitor
Displays real-time vitals like a real patient monitor, including ECG, HR, RR, BP, and much more.
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Preprogrammed Scenario Library
UNI 3 includes 10 Nursing SLEs and an in-depth guide designed to help you deliver the most effective learning experiences possible.
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Real-time CPR Monitoring and Feedback
Monitor rate and compression depth, no-flow time, ventilation rate, and excessive ventilation; smart trainer features vocal cues and generates performance reports.
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Scenario Designer
Create your own scenarios quickly and easily and share them with other UNI 3 users.
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Time-stamped Event Recording And Reporting
The automated event tracking and interaction recorder ensures important events are always captured so you can focus on the action.
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Lab Report Designer
Generate and share simulated diagnostic lab results to enhance case fidelity and participant involvement.
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Free Software Updates
Always stay up to date and benefit from new UNI 3 features at no additional cost.

Upgrades and Accessories

Enhance the learning experience with these innovative accessories and options.


SUSIE®/CHLOE™ Geriatric Face Appearance

The geriatric face skin accessory is designed to expand the breadth of the learners’ experiences and aid educators in teaching patient-centric assessment and care skills. Easily and quickly convert the simulator’s face and hair to that of an elderly patient for geriatric scenario-based simulations and skill training exercises.

The package includes a removable geriatric face skin and a removable wig.



*Models and specifications shown may vary.

Gaumard Virtual Patient Monitor

Add the new Gaumard Virtual Patient Monitor to enhance the learning experience. The Gaumard Virtual Patient Monitor provides real-time parameters, including heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and much more. Train participants on interpreting and documenting vital signs to improve planning and decision-making skills.



  • Full-body adult patient
  • Tetherless and wireless; fully responsive during transport1
  • Realistic joint articulation
  • Compatible with optional virtual patient monitor
  • Internal rechargeable battery; up to 4hr battery life2
  • Converts to male patient; includes male chest and genitalia
  • Converts to geriatric patient with optional appearance accessory
  • Active Eyes: programmable blink rate, pupil size, and pupil reaction
  • Severe or mild seizures
  • Preprogrammed speech responses in multiple languages
  • Wireless streaming voice
  • Oral or nasal endotracheal intubation/ suctioning
  • Programmable difficult airway: Laryngospasm, pharyngeal swelling, tongue edema
  • Sensors detect depth of intubation
  • Tracheostomy care
  • Unilateral chest rise with right mainstem intubation
  • Multiple upper airway sound types
  • Control rate and depth of respiration and observe spontaneous breathing
  • Ventilation is measured and logged
  • Anterior and posterior lung sounds in all quadrants
  • Visible chest rise during BVM ventilation
  • Five interchangeable left breasts, which include fibrocystic disease (chronic mastitis), a benign tumor with stalk, a giant sarcoma, scirrhous carcinoma, and a retracted nipple
  • The two right breasts contain 8, 10, 16, and 20 mm lumps
  • NG/OG intubation and feeding
  • Bowel sounds
  • Patent stoma sites support colostomy and ileostomy care
  • Rectum supports enemas
  • Male/female catheterization
  • Normal and abnormal heart sounds, rates, and intensities
  • ECG monitoring using real devices
  • Real-time CPR monitoring and feedback; chest compressions are measured and logged
  • Monitor, capture, pace, and cardiovert using a real defibrillator and live energy
  • Bilateral IV training arms and IM sites
  • Measurable blood pressure and audible Korotkoff sounds
  • Monitor oxygen saturation using your real native oximeter
  • Visible cyanosis
  • Bilateral carotid, radial, brachial, femoral, popliteal, and pedal pulses
  • Fingerstick bleeding
  • Interchangeable ulcerated foot
  • Perform bimanual pelvic exam with interchangeable uteri
  • Insert speculum and view interchangeable cervices
  • Perform Pap/douching/sounding
  • GYN package includes:
    • Anteverted uterus
    • Retroverted uterus
    • IUD uterus (installed)
    • 6-8 Week pregnant uterus
    • 10-12 Week pregnant uterus
    • 20 Week pregnant uterus
    • 6-8 Week pregnant uterus with short ovarian ligaments
    • Normal cervix (set of 5, 1 installed)
    • Abnormal set of cervix (set of 6)
    • 6-8 Week pregnant cervix (set of 3)
    • 10-12 Week pregnant cervix (set of 3)
  • SUSIE S2000 Patient Simulator
  • Tablet PC preloaded with UNI® 3 and 10 SLEs
  • Consumables
  • User guide
  • Transport case

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1. Maximum wireless range will vary depending on environmental factors and conditions.
2. Battery life estimates dependent on active features and settings; results may vary.

NCLEX-RN®is a registered trademark of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. Test names are the property of the respective trademark holders. Use does not imply affiliation or endorsement by the trademark holders or advisory groups.

Priced without options, discounts, or special offers. Taxes and other fees not included. Extended service plans, product installation, and training services are available. Product design and price subject to change without notice. All trademarks and/or copyright materials are the property of their respective owners. © 2020 Gaumard Scientific. Patented; other patents pending. All Rights Reserved.