Skill Trainers
Leopold's Maneuvers and Palpation Abdomen for Obstetric SUSIE® S500 (S500.3)S500.3Learn More
The Leopold's Maneuvers and Palpation Abdomen for Obstetric SUSIE® is a one-piece fetal baby with palpable fontanelles, spine, shoulders, elbows, and knees useful for labor and delivery skills training. The fetal baby may be used with Gaumard's Obstetric Susie® S500 simulator in normal, breech, or transverse position. Elevation cushions lift the fetal baby so participants can go hands-on and practice Leopold maneuvers and external version exercises.
Uteri with Normal and Abnormal Internal Pathologies Package (S504.2)S504.2.PKLearn MoreThe Uteri with Normal and Abnormal Internal Pathologies Package is a set of seven uteri with internal pathologies to help participants practice and develop gynecologic skills. Each lifelike uteri allows for a hysteroscopic view of the pathologies so participants can practice diagnosing and identifying a variety of obstetric conditions. The uteri feature a patented "screw" design.
No-Scalpel Vasectomy Skills Trainer (S518)S518.PKLearn MoreThe No-Scalpel Vasectomy Skills Trainer is a compact simulator developed to assist in learning a new method of vas occlusion. To provide realism, the leg stumps are designed to "get in the way" of the student as the procedure is mastered.
Right Replacement Breast for S230.52 Breast Examination Skills Trainer (S230.52.853R)S230.52.853RLearn MoreThe Right Replacement Breast is compatible with the S230.40, S230.52, and S230.42 breast examination training torsos to help participants practice and develop essential clinical examination skills. The right breast permits the identification of cysts of different sizes and depths.
S230.52.853L Left Breast for S230.52 Breast Examination Skills TrainerS230.52.853LLearn MoreThe S230.52.853L Left Breast is compatible with the S230.40, S230.52, and S230.42 breast examination training torsos to help participants practice and develop essential clinical examination skills. The left breast permits ultrasound identification of cysts versus dense masses.
Female Condom Model (S509)S509.PKLearn MoreThe Female Condom Model is a simulated pelvic cavity that helps participants practice correct placement and use of various female contraceptive devices. This gynecological simulator provides vital hands-on training in essential obstetric skills.
Normal and Abnormal Uteri for ZOE® S504 (S504.1)S504.1.PKLearn MoreThe Normal and Abnormal Uteri for ZOE® S504 is a set of seven uteri with externally palpable pathologies to help participants practice and hone gynecologic skills. These uteri add realism to simulated obstetric scenarios and allow participants to practice diagnosing and identifying a variety of obstetric conditions. The uteri feature a patented "screw" design.
10-Minute Postpartum Uterus for IUD Insertion (S504.5)S504.5.PKLearn MoreA 10-minute postpartum uterus for IUD insertion exercises. This uterus can help you practice and develop gynecologic skills and provide participants with valuable hands-on experiences across the spectrum of obstetric care.
48-Hour Postpartum Uterus (S504.3)S504.3.PKLearn MoreThe 48-hour postpartum uterus has a duckbill cervix and fallopian tubes for IUD insertion exercises using long curved forceps. This uterus can help you expand labor and delivery scenarios and provide participants with valuable hands-on experiences across the spectrum of obstetric care.
Postpartum Suturing Skills Trainer for Obstetric SUSIE® S500 (S500.6)S500.6Learn More
The Postpartum Suturing Skills Trainer is a set of three lifelike vaginal inserts for use with the Obstetric SUSIE® S500 simulator to help participants practice and develop obstetric skills. Participants can use real equipment and practice suturing skills used during episiotomy procedures.